psuedo foodie [EDIT]

January 23, 2009

Here you guys go, a quiz that offers insight:

1. What’s your #1 comfort food?

Fast food and anything pastry or sweet.

2. If you were on a deserted island, what one food would you want to have with you?

French fries

3. What is/are your signature dishes? (What dishes are you ‘known’ for?)

Hmm… I would say Mac N Cheese and French toast not like any of you have tasted it.

4. It’s Friday night, you don’t know what to cook. You opt for…

Fast food takeout!

5. What’s your biggest weakness when it comes to food?


6. What food can you absolutely not eat?

I would try everything once… Seriously

7. You need a drink. You grab a….

Gin and tonic…

8. What’s the most decadent dish you’ve had?

Haven’t had something I’d consider decadent. But I do think figs are decadent.

9. What’s your favorite type of food?

Fusion, a little bit of everything

10. Favorite dish?

Salads with figs in it.

11. If your partner could take you to any restaurant you wanted, which one would it be?

Anywhere is fine, as long as good food and ambience and

12. Are you a soup or salad person?


13. Buffet, take-out or sit-down restaurant?


14. What’s the most impressive dinner you’ve ever made?

15. Do you consider yourself a good cook?


16. Do you know what vichyssoise is?

Some leek..

17. Who’s your favorite TV cook?

Nigella Lawson

18. Can you name at least three TV cooking personalities?

Nigella Lawson, Kylie Kwong, Curtis Stone

19. Homemade or homemade from a box?

homemade from a box

20. Name 3 or more other foodies you are going to tag.

I do not know of any foodies. [i change my mind on this, i tag: SU. That’s the only person i can think of now]

Parisian revelry

January 15, 2009

There is something charming about French chanteuse Camille. Having  just found about her all English release, Music Hole (which is an amazing English album), I have been listening to her last two French albums alot. Le Fil and Le sac des Filles.

In certain ways, she reminds me of the late ever-enigmatic Edith Piaf, yet at certain times she pushes the limit and puts out something so ultra modern, it’s almost unheard of. Okay I do tend to embellish a little, but I do think Camille is one rare and raw talent.

Having had roots in nu wave band, Nouvelle Vague, her solo career, i feel is far more fulfilling than the band’s following. Music Hole is a grand old mix of what her last two French album was. It is at one part whimsical, tinged with basic instrumentation, the next a tad bit rhythm and blues-y with songs like Money Note (which made me laugh). Songs like Cats and Dogs presents a sort of theatrical feel, madcap and fun, which is what you get in a Camille album.

Her videos are also something to look forward to, just take a look at the video for Money Note, fucking hilarious and typically Camille.

and the video for Gospel with no Lord.

keep watch on the horizon

January 12, 2009

I am more than excited for the new Showtime series United States of Tara. Not only has it the amazing Toni Collette, it is also written by Diablo Cody (Juno) and helmed by Steven Spielberg.

More than that, it deals with a disorder that has not been dealt with on TV before (I think), Dissociative Identity Disorder.  This is the kind of series that Showtime would pick up, the left-field kind that deals soley on the screwed up side of the American family.

Preview of the first episode can be seen on their official Facebook group:

I shall not give away much, but this series looks like an interesting one which sees Toni Collette (Tara Gregson) take on different personalities triggered by her stressed-out feelings towards her family.  This reminds me of Weeds minus the drugs.

Hopefully this 13-episode does well enough to warrant a second season. I do feel that Showtime is the right avenue for a such a series. Hopefully with its big backing (Steven Spielberg) it does not fall flat on it’s face.

I still say, Nancy Botwin better watch her arse… Tara Gregson is in the house ya’ll!

breaking it up

January 1, 2009

I’d like to start off the year with music. Lykke Li in particular. Her music video for single, Breaking It Up is an interesting one where we see her let her hair down and bust out to some nifty footwork.

She looks positively good in this video. Kinda like a 80’s throwback pop diva.