constantly spacing out

February 27, 2008

constantly visiting pages visited, clicking on the “login” button so oft its almost second nature. taking pages and processing information in the brain that turns to imagination of a certain grandeur, only to have moving pictures misinterpret it so poorly. that is the effect of hoping too much in movie adaptation of books.

free time on hand is the cause of all these morbidity. constantly being online and visiting the same old sites are quite old and boring. waiting for TV shows to return in lieu of the end of the writer’s strike is taking its toll on me.

i have been indulging myself in reality tv and jpod. thank god for Canadian television. maybe because it has a strong asian influence, but jpod is a great tv show. adapted to screen from the book of the same name by douglas coupland.

douglas coupland is brilliant. his books are more than oft quite trippy and out of this world. but it works because it is that way. i have been catching up on alot of his older books after reading jpod. books like girlfriend in a coma and miss wyoming are great reads.

almost like a modern day english murakami but less tripped out. jpod revolves around a pod of geniuses stuck at the bottom of a electronic arts company’s food chain. they are so called jpod because all their names starts or begins with the letter J.

the book basically tells of their ongoings within the company and the developing of the game board X. though the book was concise in its delivery, the tvĀ  show allowed the characters to grow and gave them more dept.

the tv show has got a very familiar face in it, steph song. who has graced singapore tv for quite sometime. prior to embarking on jpod, she worked with douglas coupland on his movie, everything has gone green. and its good to see an asian face on a predominantly “white” tv show.

go watch it if time permits. morbidity ends here.

imbued in sullen

February 25, 2008

often more than once, people sift through what they feel like eating. be it fast food or say fine dining, they take their pick. hawker delight or clean surroundings. but more often than once they miss out on the wonderful things some places get to offer. and i guess that can be said of not have the best of all worlds.

and with that, i imbue myself, with the negative thoughts of why? because that is usually what we do when in the face of disappointment.


February 22, 2008

We seem to be abandoning all hopes these days and seeking higher ground for higher purposes. I seem not to be here as often as i would like to be. But one door closes and another opens. So i can only hope that whatever chapter i jump into next, i would wholly be consumed and enjoy every sentence of it.

Today’s new music indulgence comes from a duo simply called, Supreme Beings of Leisure. Lush i know right? Their sound can be simply described as apt in their opening caption to their myspace page, “sexy sounds for sexy people”. Its a grand mix of electronica, ambient beats, chill-out, pop, rock and dance.

Having been out of commission for the past few years, after the release of their last album, Divine Operating System. They are back once again for a slice of the electronica market with their newest full album, 11i, released 12th of Feb.

With the sensuous voice of lead singer, Geri Soriano-Lightwood and Ramin Sakurai throwing together beats, the combination of both could not go wrong. 11i is a strong album of sexy sounds with grand arrangements. Moving from light airy beginnings to amazing crescendos and endings.

This is the kind of record you would want to plug into your ipod and seat in one corner to appreciate. Brilliant i say. They almost remind you of existing bands such as Si*Se and more recently Bittersweet, which had its roots in Supreme Beings of Leisure.

With that said, 11i is in a league of its own. Go get it or have a listen of sample at their myspace page.

click to sample.

weekend perk-me-up

February 3, 2008

devoid of postings of late, i give you, semi-latest offerings:

kylie minogue’s follow-up singles for 2 Hearts in Europe and Asia, In My Arms.

Drenched in brightness and wind, Kylie looks radiantly positive. Plus her colourful and interesting Gareth Pugh togs makes it look positive and fun, just like the song. But reminiscent of a perfume ad somehow.

Her first US single from X, Wow. Its clear why she chose Wow.

I’m not too sure whether Wow is the right track. But then again, another fun video.

all perked up now…